Generator services

Replacement Generators

We specialise in providing custom-engineered replacement generator packages that are electrically and mechanically interchangeable.


BRUSH has broad experience in supplying generators for all types, ratings and configurations of turbines. We do not supply one generator to fit one turbine – we have multiple generator selections to match the outputs of all major generator manufacturers.

Some customers have made substantial winding repairs more than once, in some cases spending excessive amounts of money. BRUSH can offer an alternative solution to endless repairs with a customised solution for a replacement generator.

We specialise in creating a package that is both electrically and mechanically interchangeable, matching the existing footprint and ancillary components, which removes the need for civil works and dramatically reduces plant down time on site.

Contact us today to explore if a generator swap out could be a cost efficient investment option. 

Key benefits

Reduced equipment downtime
Safeguard against outages
