Generator services

Field Repair

In the event of an unplanned outage, the quickest way to return the generator to service is to repair on site.


The quickest way to keep your installation or equipment functioning as normal is to carry out any possible repairs, major or minor, on site. With our ongoing maintenance and inspection service, it’s usually possible to identify necessary repairs before a critical issue occurs, which allows us to schedule repairs to minimize outage and downtime.

Our trained and skilled engineers have a huge amount of experience of working onsite, in vastly different environments, onshore and offshore. In addition to our service bases in key global locations, we also use trusted local companies to support our repair services, who work to our high standards and can provide a speedy response.

Our comprehensive field repairs service includes:

  • Engineering design expertise, offering technical solutions
  • BRUSH certified parts and materials
  • Local repair facilities, using trusted affiliates, for manufacturing and assembly, logistic or labour support
  • BRUSH service engineers on site to direct and perform repairs
  • BRUSH service base project teams overseeing the work and ensuring you’re happy with the end result.
  • BRUSH have the capabilities to repair all other non-OEM generators and equipment.

Key benefits

Reduced equipment downtime
Safeguard against outages


Typical generator field repair services include:

  • Stator end winding refurbishment
  • Stator re-wedge
  • Stator rewind
  • Rotor overhaul and end winding refurbishment
  • Rotor-end cap/retaining rings
  • Bearing inspection/replacement
  • Oil seal inspection/replacement
  • Cooler inspection/repair

Control Systems

Typical power management and generator control systems services include: 

  • Excitation controller fault finding and calibration
  • Power management system fault finding and calibration
  • Generator protection relay testing
  • Synchroniser testing


Man holding a ball of energy symbolising connections

Speak to our team

BRUSH has a global reputation for service excellence and dedicated customer support. With a wealth of experience spanning almost 150 years and significant in-house knowledge and expertise, our commitment to excellence is backed by experience and knowledge.

Whether it’s the provision of parts, the delivery of service support in the field, at the customer’s premises or at our network of service workshops, our team of highly experienced engineers are on hand to support.