Trust. Well Earned.

Dedicated services

Sustainable solutions – supported for life.

Services and support

All of our sustainable energy management solutions are supported for life. With a deep understanding of power systems and significant sector experience, our support capabilities are unrivalled.

Whether it’s the provision of parts, the delivery of service support in the field, equipment upgrades and repairs or providing expert technical assistance via SERVICE 24, we are here to support, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

24/7 Support


All end users of BRUSH solutions have access to our SERVICE 24 technical service program and its expert knowledge base.

SERVICE 24 can be reached via email or phone. Simply provide the model and serial number of your equipment, plant name and your question. The SERVICE 24 team will respond as soon as possible with suggested next steps.

Man holding a ball of energy symbolising connections

Speak to our team

BRUSH has a global reputation for service excellence and dedicated customer support. With a wealth of experience spanning almost 150 years and significant in-house knowledge and expertise, our commitment to excellence is backed by experience and knowledge.

Whether it’s the provision of parts, the delivery of service support in the field, at the customer’s premises or at our network of service workshops, our team of highly experienced engineers are on hand to support.